The FuneralExpo 2024 Funeral Art Fair represent the result of a big step that the organizer’s team has made. Our competence and professionalism gives us the opportunity to invest time and resources in developing the communication between producers, importers, service providers, funeral companies, local administration and representative associations.
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We want the FuneralEXPO to become a point of reference for the Romaian funeral field.
We focus on the people, their character, the things that we share and the values we create together. We talk about concrete situations and the power to do new things.
We like to be visionaries in our work and in the business, we create with you.
Expo Arad
Calea Aurel Vlaicu 300, Municipiul Arad Cod Postal 310375, România
RO: (004)0760715509
IT: (0039)3891625052
Period: May, 09.10.11, 2024
Visiting hours: 09:00-18:00
Copyright©2023 FuneralEXPO – All rights reserved.
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Pellentesque fermentu erosings varius dolor mattis posuere anti ledignissim Integer.
Pellentesque fermentu erosings varius dolor mattis posuere anti ledignissim Integer.
Pellentesque fermentu erosings varius dolor mattis posuere anti ledignissim Integer.
Pellentesque fermentu erosings varius dolor mattis posuere anti ledignissim Integer.
Pellentesque fermentu erosings varius dolor mattis posuere anti ledignissim Integer.